What is a home? A home is defined as a dwelling-place used as a permanent or semi-permanent residence for an individual, family or household. A home for me has always brought a sense of security. It is a place filled with memories and special moments that have occurred there. Home is a place to invite people into the lives of the ones who live there. It is a place to rest.
Well, our little family has been in many "homes" this past summer. We enjoyed visiting Papa & Grandma Jones' home in Nebraska this summer, along with 7 young cousins, aunts, uncles, and grand parents. We made special memories in a temporary home on the Oregon coast with Jared's family, followed by a few days at Papa & Nana Christiansons' home in Washington. We then returned to Texas, to spend our last two weeks in our home, or what we have known as home for the past 4 years, before we completed the sale and started the construction on our new home. But, we never made it "home." While we were enjoying a beautiful day at the Oregon beach, our home in Texas "sprung a leak." One of the water heaters in the attic busted and poured water through the attic, onto the 2nd floor, collapsed the kitchen ceiling, and flooded the first floor of our house.
Here are some pictures of our home.
The "Broken House", as the kids call it! |
At one point there were over 30 fans trying to dry up the water |
These pictures are what we saw 5 days after the leak was detected by our neighbor. So thankful that our friend was checking on our cat! This could have been so much worse! We are also thankful for insurance and all of the water restoration companies who have been working hard the past two and a half months to make this destruction back into a home for our new buyers.
Our sweet kids have been troupers through this whole experience. While mommy has struggled with leaving our home in such circumstances and never getting to "say good-bye" to the precious memories that have been made in this house, the kids haven't missed a beat! They fully enjoyed the extended vacation and three weeks in a hotel before we moved into a rental house.
Dress up/Swim time? |
They loved breakfast in the lobby....so many choices! |
We were able to move into a rental house in mid-August and plan on staying here until our house is built....which hasn't started yet since we had to put it on hold until things got under control.
The buyers have stuck with us as we have re-built our house. While it has complicated the process immensely, Jared has been meeting with the buyers and has let them pick out new finishes, wall color, kitchen appliances, etc. While we were preparing to sell our house months ago, we prayed that the new family to live in our house would be blessed. Although this was a difficult season for us, I believe the new family is extremely blessed with a new remodeled home! We plan on closing on the house next week, and Jared will have a huge burden lifted off his back and will no longer be receiving daily distractions from insurance adjusters, the house contractor, and the buyers!
What I've realized is that while a home does hold sentimental value and memories, it is just a temporary building. Our real home in heaven is perfect and the ultimate place to rest in God's mercy and love. (and is non-destructible!) I know it's an old cheesy clique, but my home here on earth is where my heart is- with my wonderful husband and children that the Lord has entrusted me with. It may be a messy home, but it's home!
Here are some pictures from our travels this summer!
Nebraska for 4th of July:
Cousins! |
More cousins! |
Uncle Zach & Grandma on the Wake boards |
My parents getting baptized in the lake! |
So thankful that we could be there for this! |
Oregon Beach:
Cousins checking our Uncle Andrew's crab collection |
Dancing at Cousin Linsley's wedding in central WA |
Here is one of the last memories that was captured at our house before we left on vacation:
Great post! Keep up the hard work Christianson family. You all look great. ❤️❤️❤️