I love this time of year. Everything is starting to bloom, the weather is warm, and we are rarely indoors!
Funny,....I started this entry this morning and only finished two sentences before the kids woke up. Now, 15 hours later, I am miserable with itchy eyes, runny nose, and on allergy medication. I do love Spring time in the South!!
Spring is also full of birthdays in our family. Isaac turned two a few weeks ago and now Kai and Julia are starting the countdown until their birthday in May. They have been talking about their big day since November (when Auntie Janell celebrated her b-day in Washington), so we are hoping that we can make it even half as exciting as they are hoping for!
We celebrated Isaac's birthday with a few friends at our house. Isaac loved the Dinosaur cake and the "dinosaur egg hunt."
It always felt strange telling people that Isaac was one years old when he looked and acted like a 2-3 year old. He is learning to say, "Two!" instead of, "Wont." He may also be my easiest child to potty train by far. He started going potty a month ago, as long as I get him to the bathroom on time. We're not getting rid of pull-ups yet, but it's a start! On a down-side of being physically advanced, he also has learned how to climb out of his crib. Thankfully he wears himself out so much during the day, that after a few escapes, he happily goes back to his crib for nap and bedtime.
I am sad that my twins are turning four soon, but also thankful that I am seeing more "mature behavior" as that day nears. There are still days full of power-struggles, but they are getting fewer and fewer! (Once again, I wrote this in the morning and now and am exhausted from a day full of "correction" for my little girl!)
Hugs after the preschool music performance |
Julia is starting up with dance classes again since her former dance instructor and their family are moving to Africa for missions. We found a small class that meets in the community center once a week. Julia is very dramatic and secretly loves being the center of attention. She also loves to make her bed and make it "pretty" along with all of her stuffed animals. This must be something that she got from her Daddy. Not the "pretty" part, but the joy of organizing! She continues to love going to school. Although some mornings she decides that she doesn't want to go and says that she is sick. When asked what is the matter, she replies, "My heart....it's..it's beating!"

Kai has started attending the public school's afternoon preschool for children with developmental delays. I was torn for months knowing that he could receive beneficial therapy for his speech and physical delays at the public preschool, but not wanting him to be separated from Julia (and the rest of the family) every afternoon. I was sure that he would have a hard time going somewhere by himself. Although after a few days into the program, I was driving Kai to school and Julia said that she wanted to go to school with Kai also. Kai chimed in though and said, "NO! Not Jujah (Julia), only Kai!" Apparently he enjoys having his own "thing." I was also terrified of Kai taking the bus home, although it comes equipped with car seats and an aide to walk him to my door. We decided to have him ride it on the way home since Isaac is napping at that time. The bus ride home has become the highlight of Kai's day! I look forward to seeing that huge grin every time he walks off the bus!
I am including a bunch of pictures from Easter egg hunts, a trip to the Arbuckle Wildlife preserve in Oklahoma, and a short fishing trip with Daddy. Enjoy!
Kai mocking Julia's princess smile |
All three in the same photo....if only they would all look up at the same time! |
Isaac hiding from Easter bunny! |
Daddy making faces with the donkeys! |
Kai riding safari-style! |
Isaac feeding the camel |
practicing |
Mommy practicing |
Kai was the most patient fisherman! |
Isaac playing with the worms |
My princess with her worm! |
Preschool Easter egg hunts |
Family friends joined us for Easter lunch and another egg hunt! |
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