We had a fun day filled with a playdate, treats, a bubble-blowing gun, and bath paints....that is the kids, of course! I was planning on cooking a fun Valentines Day dinner, but then remembered that we were having a crew come to our house this week to remove all of the wallpaper in the house (Yippee!!). So we enjoyed a few treats made the night before (Rice Krispie treats and heart-shaped jello) and opened gifts that evening. The kids also enjoyed coloring some heart-shaped papers- my attempt at being crafty (doesn't go far)!

My gifts for Valentines Day came early this year. Jared sent a bouquet of tulips and chocolate on Friday. Then Jared watched the kids while I was a free woman for all of Saturday morning/early afternoon. It was great to drop into many stores while I shopped without carting my huge double stroller and ernery children with me, but I couldn't help but feel lost without my "little helpers!" After drifting around stores at the mall I soon realized I had no business being there since I don't fit into any of the clothes with my current figure and it's too late to buy more maternity clothes!
We've enjoyed several visits from Tulsa friends and family lately, which is such a treat for us! First my cousin and her friend from Lubbuck, TX stayed with us a few weeks ago during a girls shopping trip. We went to dinner with some friends from our old "young married's" group in Tulsa last week and then had a visit from our old next-door neighbors on Saturday afternoon. We also have two sets of friends that are coming through Dallas this weekend that we are planning on meeting up with. I'm glad that Dallas seems to be a popular place to visit! Almost all of our visitors have made stops at the IKEA store nearby, which we've never been to. It must be worth checking out!
We are starting to count down the days until we meet "Bubba!" I sure hope we agree on a name soon so that that name does not stick! I am due in five weeks, but my doctor plans on scheduling the c-section for the week before. I have been very comfortable this whole pregnancy, which is such a blessing! I think it helps that I'm not sitting in bed 24 hours a day for months leading up to the birth :) The nursery is almost complete (Jared did a great job) which makes me feel a bit more prepared. Kai and Julia love playing with the baby toys that we have set out. They have messed with the equipment/toys so much that I'm realizing that there are settings on the toys/bouncer seats that I never new existed!
The twins have been doing well. Kai has had some increased separation anxiety the past few months that we are working on decreasing. He gives out cries that will break your heart just by putting him on the ground or leaving his sight. We believe it's mainly a behavior issue, because the moment you come and pick him up he gives out a laugh. Oh boy! Julia has started a habit of hitting the cat or my stomach and then immediately kissing it, like that makes it all ok. This could get interesting! It's going to be a big adjustment for Kai and Julia to welcome in a new little baby who needs mom more than they do! We're hoping that having grandparents around for a few weeks will help them feel fully loved on when the baby comes home.
Hey Guys! So glad you are posting blogs - Im so excited to keep up with your news! Guess what?! My house sold! It was on the market for 2 weeks and the lady that scheduled the first showing ended up being our buyer! We were so thankful! Im just finishing up my last two months here at ORU and then heading to AZ May 1st! The packers/movers come the week before that and graduation is the 30th of April! So its coming up quick! Exciting times! Could I get your new mailing address (you could text it to me if you want) Glad you guys are settling into Dallas! Cant wait to see baby pics!!!!!
ReplyDeleteRachel Workman (PS I missed Jared during our mega artic snow storm - I had to shovel my driveway all by myself.....haha)
Your cuties are growing so fast! The bubble pics are adorable. I so much enjoy being able to keep up with you and your family. Keep the posts coming :)